Training Skills Matrix

You can also view the current employee’s training skills matrix at any time:

Click on the Training & Skills Matrix button and the matrix will then display:


Your Training & Skills Matrix

As you can see, we have a number of employees (this is taken from the test database, naturally) and you can see the training and skills as well as the expiry dates.

This matrix uses the following colour codes:

  • Green – qualification is current (in date)
  • Orange – means there is no expiry date
  • Red – qualification has expired

You can also carry out the following functions on this page:

Change Display Settings

Within the Training & Skills Matrix****, you can also modify the display settings.

  1. Click on the Display Settings button and the Training & Skills Matrix settings page will show:

The training and skills matrix settings page

  1. Now you can choose to hide (select/tick a checkbox) or show (deselect/untick a checkbox) different qualifications either by All qualifications or by individual qualifications.
  2. At the bottom of the page is the Save button. Once you’ve made your selection(s), don’t forget to use it. You’ll receive a notification from the system once your changes have been saved, but you will remain on the page.
  3. Click on Training & Skills Matrix in the breadcrumbs navigation menu to return to the matrix.

Use the breadcrumb trail to orientate yourself and navigate (as required)

Search for a Record

Now we’ll search for a record:

  1. Click in the search field and start entering your search term.
  2. I will start entering ‘Russ’ but, as soon as I type ‘ru’ the filter has isolated the two records that are listed as mine, and there’s no need to complete my full search term:

The search field will update automatically as you enter your search term...

  1. Now you can select your record from the filtered results.

Export Training Records

You can also export the matrix in either the csv or the xlsx format:

  1. If you want to export the entire record matrix, ensure that no search filter is in place (delete the text from the search field to do this). If a search filter is current, only the filtered results will be saved to the downloadable file.
  • To export as csv, click on the csv button and the Save As dialog will open to allow you to save the file to your computer.
  • To export as an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel button. Again, the Save As dialog will display and allow you to save the file to your pc.
  1. You can now open the file and view it in the normal manner.

Print Training Records

You can also send the training matrix, filtered or unfiltered (as before), to the printer:

  1. Click on Print and the print window will open.
  2. You can now change print settings, such as Destination printer, the number of pages, page orientation, etc. The actual settings all depends on your own printer.

The print preview functionality. Yours will likely differ to that shown

  1. When ready, click on the Print button. The dialog box will close, and the matrix will be sent to the printer.