Downloading and Opening the CASSA App

The CASSA app is currently available free for both iOS in the Apple iStore and Android in the Google Play store.

iOS App

To download the application from the App Store:

  1. Locate the App Store application on your device. Ensure you are connected to the Internet.
  1. Open the App store application.

  2. In the Search field, type in CASSA and press Enter. You should see something similar to that shown below:


Locating CASSA in the app store

If you don’t see the CASSA app listed, scroll down until you see it in the search results. If you still don’t see it, repeat the search, ensuring you typed CASSA into the field correctly. If you still don’t see it, raise a support ticket:

  1. Click on the Install button next to the CASSA app and the app will install.

Once the installation has completed, you can now open it.

Opening the App

To open the app:

  1. If you’re still in the App Store itself, click on the Open button next to the CASSA app (as shown in the image above), or, if you’ve closed the App Store app you can locate the CASSA application on your device, as shown below.

The CASSA app on your device

  1. Click on the app to open it. Refer to the Home screen for what happens next.

Android App

The CASSA Android app is also available in the Google Play Store: