Main Menu and Navigation

Before you proceed to My Profile, a quick note on the main menu and navigation within CASSA.

As you will see, navigating the system is simple. Your main functionality is in the menu to the left, and what you see and can access here will depend on whether you’re an employee or a company and what user rights you have within both.

However, and regardless of whether you registered as an employee or as a company, you will still have your own profile (click on My Profile at any time to go straight there). This is where you log all your personal information.

With regards to the other CASSA modules, it all depends on whether you’ve been granted access, as an employee, or have paid for them, as a company. Below are some sample views of the CASSA system.


As an employee, your main menu view will be similar to the following:


Employee view within CASSA

Whereas, if you’re a company and have access to number of modules, then your menu view will be similar to the following:


Company view within CASSA

As you can see, the top section of both menus incorporates the following:


To navigate to any of these areas, simply click on the respective item in the navigation to jump right there.