
Here you can see an overview of the main functions within the online training:


The online training dashboard

As you can see, we have 5 main areas within the Online Training Dashboard:

Overdue Training

The overdue training grid is the first thing you see when you access the Online Training dashboard. Ordered by Due Date, with the oldest expired date at the top, you have an at a glance view of all overdue training.
In addition, you can also see:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Course Name
  • Location

These enable you to see all the details you need to ensure that it’s managed and actioned as soon as possible.

You can also perform the following functions from the dashboard:

Search for a Record

We can use the search field to filter and locate records.

  1. Click in the search field and start entering your search term.
  2. I will start entering ‘Russ’ but, as soon as I type ‘ru’ the filter has isolated the overdue training records assigned to me, and there’s no need to complete my full search term:

Searching for a record - this is standard functionality throughout the CASSA system

  1. From here, you can either export or print the search results.

Export Records

You can also export the grid records in either csv or xlsx format:

  1. If you want to export the entire record grid, ensure that no search filter is in place (delete the text from the search field to do this). If a search filter is current, only the filtered results will be saved to the downloadable file.
  • To export as csv, click on the csv button and the Save As dialog will open to allow you to save the file to your computer.
  • To export as an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel button. Again, the Save As dialog will display and allow you to save the file to your pc.
  1. You can now open the file and view it in the normal manner.

Print Records

You can also send the records grid, filtered or unfiltered (as before), to the printer:

  1. Click on Print and the print dialog will open.
  2. You can now change print settings, such as destination printer, the number of pages, page orientation, etc. The actual settings all depends on your own printer.

Print preview - here's where you can select your destination printer

  1. When ready, click on the Print. The dialog box will close, and the matrix will be sent to the printer.