Verification of Competency / Proficiency Assessment

Add a VOC/PA

This is where you will add your verification of competency (VOC) / proficiency assessments (PA).

If you’ve already read and followed the instructions for adding a qualification, then this follows the same procedure. If you haven’t, and have jumped straight here, then here’s what you do:

  1. Click on the Add New button:

Add new competency or proficiency assessment

As you can see, you now need to add the following information: Add Name (or competency/proficiency), Date Completed, Expiry Date, add a photograph of your certificate, add your custom notes, and select whether this is an ‘Active’ item on your profile.

  1. Enter the certificate name into the Add Name field

  2. Select the date you completed this certificate:


Select the date

If you haven’t seen this type of date selector before, once you’ve selected the appropriate year, you drill-down into month and then day. If the year you require isn’t shown, click on either the OR THE to navigate to the correct decade, followed by the year you need.

  1. Now you can add a copy of the actual qualification**** itself.

You only have a finite storage capability with your account (refer to Optimising and Uploading Images), so if you are ever in the situation where a copy of your certification has already been uploaded, then you can tick the Choose from already uploaded file option.

If this is the first time for this certificate, then you can upload a copy for both the front and the back.

  1. Click on the Choose File button in the Copy front field and then navigate to and select the front copy of your certificate.

  2. Then do the same for the back copy.

  3. If you need to add any notes, you can do them in the notes field.

  4. The final field on this form is the Active checkbox. It’s selected by default.

This checkbox is used to mark this qualification and certificate as being active for whichever employer you’re working for.

The way CASSA works is, if a qualification is required for a role then it will be visible in the company register. If that qualification expiry date then passes, this will then be flagged as expired in the company register and will need to be actioned.

However, if a qualification has expired and/or is not required for any role you’re carrying out then marking it as inactive will ensure it does not appear in any register.

  1. When the form is complete, it will look like this:

A sample completed form

  1. Click on the Save button, the form will close, and the VOC will be added to your profile in the VOC / Proficiency section:

Your updated profile will show the new record

Edit a VOC/PA

To edit a VOC/PA:

  1. Click on the Edit button under the Action column. The Update my Voc form will show:

Your update my VOC forms awaits...

  1. You can now edit all fields.

  2. Once complete, click on Save and the form will save, close, and your updated record will display in the grid.

Delete a VOC/PA

To delete a VOC/Proficiency Assessment:

  1. Identify the record you wish to delete in the list

  2. In the Action column, click on the Delete button and the Delete confirmation will show.

  3. Click on Yes to confirm you wish to delete it.

  4. The confirmation dialogue will close, and the record will be deleted from the list.